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English Learners (ESL)

Transitions into a new school may be stressful for incoming students. Among such adjustments are making friends, introductions to new textbooks, expectations for homework and daily assignments, and adjustments to an all-English environment.

For students showing need for English language improvement (ESL students) these adjustments are more difficult and require more time to make than for other students.

The ESL program is designed to increase fluency in students who already have some proficiency in English at their grade level. A student's score on the admissions test determines placement in the ESL program.

The ESL pullout program at ICS meets with elementary students once a day for a 45-minute period and middle and high school students 3 times per week for a 70-minute period. This is a support program for the ESL student to make up language deficiencies that are present.

The average length of study in the ESL pullout program at ICS is two years. Some students complete the program in less time, whereas others may remain in the program for a longer time. Passing out of the program depends on performance in core classes as well as passing an exit exam showing English language proficiency in all four skill areas: reading, writing, speaking and listening.

