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Stephen Ladas & Luc Lemley
ICS Head of schools & headmaster

  1. How does ICS make community important?

We hold community as one of our main core values.  We foster it by encouraging our teachers to build mentor relationships with their students.  We enhance it by having opportunities for our parents to lead weekly parent groups, fostering positive engagement among all of our stakeholders.  

2. How do the teachers/staff impact the community with the students/parents?

The teachers and staff all have open-door policies when it comes to meeting with students and parents.  The needs of the students are paramount to our teachers and if those needs have to be met by taking extra time with sitting down with the child or the parent, then that is done.  We have a deep desire for all students to grow in heart and mind, and we commit to doing whatever it takes to make that growth process occur daily.  Our teachers and staff, through the love they have for Christ, always go the extra mile to make sure all students feel a sense of belonging at ICS.  


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3. How can a parent be sure that a student at ICS will get an excellent education?

For one, our track record of our students moving on to the best universities around the world upon graduating from ICS speaks for itself.  More importantly though, ICS teachers go beyond just reaching the intellectual needs of our students, but also help them become better versions of themselves every day, socially and emotionally.  An ICS education goes far beyond the motivation of getting good grades but also gets at the students' mind and heart needs.  In a recent survey, 98% of our parents shared that their child feels cared for and loved at ICS by the teachers and staff.  An excellent education should be defined as one of care, support, and love for children - moving way beyond just sharing course content with students. 

4. What are the requirements/expectations of the teachers at ICS

All of our teachers are certified educators with over 60% of them possessing a Masters degree in education or PHD.   

5. What does ICS mean to you?

To me, ICS means the following, "A loving and caring community that fosters excellent education for each student that enters it's hallways daily."